I had never seen a three wheeled car before today. Four elderly boys taking London by storm... Reminded me very much of Mr. Bean that I had to take some photos to show you all. hehehe
Nat sitting on the beach :)The Brighton Pier A plane from the air show going over the Eastbourne Pier... The parachutes coming down...
We hired a car for the weekend and headed south. Took nearly two hours for us to navigate our way out of London. Realised how we really don't know the streets of London, but just the underground. The Friday night traffic didn't help of course, but next time we'll have to remember our A to Z.
We arrived in Brighton at around 11pm at our B & B that we had booked. A really nice old school B & B run by two gay boys... check it out - Colson House. We stayed in the Judy Garland room and even got to watch the Wizard of Oz.
Brighton is what the English think a beach is! Pebble stones and not much else... Definitely makes me realise how beautiful NZ beaches really are. We thought we'd try fish 'n chips as we've been hanging out for some good ones ever since we left... but after many disappointing times, this was the worst! We have seriously promised ourselves never to have fiddy chip in England ever again! For those of you back home, have some for us!
We drove to another air show in Eastbourne which is about 30 miles from Brighton. Was nice to see their stunts again, but after Farnborough, it was nothing :)
I still can't believe that we actually saw Madonna! She was so amazing... and it was her 48th birthday! Yip, she is actually 48, swinging around in her leotards and dancing like she has always danced. The best concert I have ever seen in my life!
She played lots of her oldies - Like a Virgin, Lucky Star..., lots of her new ones - Sorry, Hung Up and Jump and a bit from in between.
Amazing dancing, lighting and just the whole show was brilliant and very much worth the price. I won't tell you how many NZ dollars were spent for two tickets as it's very close to four digits! Ouch... Actually, i just realised it's more than four digits. Oh my gosh, we are crazy.
Would love to show you all photos but only have a few on my phone as security was high, and we we got our camera convisgated. Gutted! If anyone gets the opportunity to see Madge, I definitely think you should go!
The Venice markets Looking out from the Rialto Bridge Simon and I enjoying a lovely romantic dinner. Simon eating snails!!! We couldn't speak Italian, and the waiter couldn't speak English, this is what came to our table. The boat bus for five Euro Simon enjoying some good old Italian food! 2 Euro a litre, you can't go wrong! And pretty good red wine at that... The dirty pigeons in St. Marks Square! This city is exactly like the postcards! No fake pictures here girls and boys... all real! For a summers weekend, we were lucky with the weather - not too hot but still very nice. We were warned of it being hot and smelly all weekend, but it wasn't too bad at all. The only bad thing was the mozzies! We have both been eaten alive and still itching today.
All the lovely glass jewellery, masquerade masks, pizza and pasta you can ever imagine! So very romantic...