The Chrysler building

Simon in front of the Flatiron building on 5th Avenue

This is how they park in New York city! On top of each other.... (me with my new Parasole from Chinatown)

Eating our "medium" sized pizza between four of us!

On the boat to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island looking back at Manhattan

There she is...

Standing right under the statue looking up

Eunice and Nat at the top :)

Ellis Island where all of the immigrants arrived into New York years ago...

Ahhh the famous restaurant from Seinfeld and also the song 'Toms Diner' by Suzanne Vega... come on... you must know it! This diner is on 112th street at the top of Manhattan... last year we tried to find it, but got too scared in Harlem...this year we found it!

Guess where Simon is...

Sumit and Simon having pizza and beer on our first night
We flew to New York on Saturday morning and spent four days there. We just can't get enough of that city!!! Did a lot of touristy things this time which was good to see... also ate like New Yorkers and shopped like New Yorkers... and of course, caught the yellow cabs around the city.
We were even lucky enough to spend our last day there with the Elston's before they flew off to San Fransisco... see Eunice, you really are world travellers! It was their first time to New York, so I think they were happy to have us show them around :)
Coincidentally, we flew back to London on September 11... didn't even realise the significance of the date until after we booked... and then to make things worse, our flight came home via Bermuda of all places! Now there's a story! Just as well I am not supersticious... but we did make it home safely after a three hour delay at JFK.
Was interesting to be at Ground Zero when they were doing all of their ceremonies etc... even after six years, the American's are far from moving on... very sad.