More of Pa pa in London... and Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Pa pa under the gherkin in London! Dinner in Brick Lane night before we went to Spain At Liverpool St. Station before heading out to Stansted Airport Ahhh, his first and hopefully last experience with Ryan Air Vitoria-Gasteiz market Simon Dixie, Nick and my Simon Couldn't believe Dad was into the Art museum! He has changed in his old age The Simon Dixie One of many beers in the square The largest gin & tonic in the world! Outside our favorite tapas bar in Vitoria-Gasteiz Hola! Wow... one of the best weekends ever! It's non-stop with the old man here I tell ya.... After spending a few days in London during the week we flew into Santander (northern Spain) and drove about 160km south to Vitoria-Gasteiz for a long weekend to meet the Dixie. A smaller city with no tourists! Was really nice to be amongst the Spanish people and indulge in the tapas!
Off to France in two sleeps xox Adios!
Fairfield Notes
And so the idyll continues. No tourists must have been heaven. Nice dress Nataleigh. Another wonderful destination and more to come. Drink sizes well up to standard it seems!
excellent pics! Tapa's rock. Did you have oooooodles of Jamon Cerano for me??? Shame about the lack of Sangria... I know of more than 1 child who's existence began after a night of indulgence... no Dad - you got enuf, I mean them other 2!!!!
And so the idyll continues. No tourists must have been heaven. Nice dress Nataleigh. Another wonderful destination and more to come.
Drink sizes well up to standard it seems!
excellent pics! Tapa's rock. Did you have oooooodles of Jamon Cerano for me??? Shame about the lack of Sangria... I know of more than 1 child who's existence began after a night of indulgence... no Dad - you got enuf, I mean them other 2!!!!
So relaxed without all the other zillions....great beers, rejoa and the large whiskey nightcaps..and great company
So relaxed without all the other zillions....great beers, rejoa and the large whiskey nightcaps..and great company
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