Amsterdam again...

Our love affair with Amsterdam continues... such a great city to visit! We spent our long weekend in Holland with James and Tracey and although the weather wasn't that flash, we made up for it in other ways.... wondering the streets with canals.....

Our first day we rode over 60km into the country to find wind mills... we got a lot further this time round and managed to find quite a few... very beautiful country side. Although my legs were killing me the next day!

We visited the house of Anne Frank also... was very sad to read and see all about her life... or shall I say, the lives of them all. Quite hard to understand how different things must have been back then.

The ladies of the night were out and about selling what they know best... very interesting to watch, but of course the majority of the clientel is the English stag do's... No where else in the world is prostitution so well organised and laid out... Would like to take photos to show you all the sale windows... but we weren't allowed....

Valencia & Alicante, Spain

Our view from the hotel room

The beach in Alicante

Whizza and Nat after a few sangrias!

Having our last taste of tapas in Valencia....

Well well well... we escaped London for the long weekend and flew into Valencia. After having the worst flight in the world coming into Valencia, we landed and drove our hire car down to Alicante to visit Whizza. Seriously, EasyJet put the wheels of the plane down, we were literally meters from the ground when I thought everything was going smoothly, to find the tip of the plane all of a sudden go straight up and the pilot put his foot down so hard I thought we were taking off like a rocket. I turned to Simon and was like "why are we going back up?" he said, we're not... there is nothing to worry about. Yeah that's why we are heading back up into the sky at a rapid pace and turbulence has just got so bad that the whole plane is screaming!!! Not an experience I want to live again...

Anyway, it was all worth it once we got down to the gorgeous Alicante. Spent the weekend drinking sangria and eating all those good tasting tapas... Simon got to see way too many naked ladies on the beach, and of course, the young spanish boys aren't too shabby either... heheheh!

We had sensational weather the whole time, mostly in it's high twenties, until we landed back in London tonight where it is 16 degrees :(