Our Ryokan in Tokyo

Simon looking at the inviting RAW egg for breakfast!
The lovely bath robes that we had to wear inside the RyokanThe toilets in Japan had all of these functions on them... the seat was always heated, and I'll let you use your imagination to decide what the other functions do.

This was our Ryokan that we stayed in while in Tokyo. It was in a cute little village called Asakusa, which is known as a very traditional area. The staff could speak very little English, but enough to get by. They were all so helpful and gave us green tea whenever we saw them. We did have to zip to the local big M occassionally to get food, as the raw egg, fish guts and picked don't know what wasn't that appealing for breakfast. Hahahah We can laugh about it now, but I think we lost a couple of kilo's each :)

We did sleep on the floor... don't know how the Japanese manage to get up in the morning, but Simon's back just about couldn't cope... There was nothing but a little duvet underneath us.

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